
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Leonidas the Amazing 3 Legged Dog Contest Entry #5

Picture of our Founder, Little Darling, with Leonidas the Amazing 3 Legged Dog.
Leonidas is a cruelty survivor who as a puppy was hung over a fence as bait for another dog, which chewed off his feet. He was left for dead by his owners and brought to a local pit bull rescue by witnesses, who wished to remain anonymous.
Game Dog Guardian and Pinups for Pitbulls sponsored his surgery and recovery. Today, Leonidas is a Delta Society registered therapy dog with GDG and visits schools, police safety days, VA hospitals, offices, and group counseling sessions.
Learn more about Leonidas and other inspiring pit bull type dogs in our 2011 Calendar.
Buy your calendar now!
Learn more about Pinups for Pitbulls by visiting their website!
Meet Beretta, the amazing Creative Director for Pinups for Pitbulls!

Don't forget to leave a comment on your favorite dog photo. More photos on the way!


  1. Favorite, thanks Barbara!

  2. Oh Leonidas, what a story! You are leading the good life now, my friend!!
    Thank you GDG and Pinups for Pitbulls, for the work you do, and thanks for sharing your story!


  3. That is an amazing story. We're so glad to see that you are living such a great life now, and you take beautiful photos.

  4. What an incredible story of survival. Thanks for all the work you do!

    Your pal, Pip

  5. Great picture and a wonderful, heartwarming story to boot :) Three cheers for Leonidas!

  6. Wow, what a heart wreching story, so glad you were rescued, and look at how you just keep giving! All doggie prayers for such a strong puppy. xxxx Angel
