
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Meet Jasmine - Home From Iraq - Entry # 4

UPDATE: We started with the photos of Jasmine as a pup earlier today, and then Michelle sent in photos of Jasmine today and the rest of her story!

Jasmine now!

From Michelle:
Since coming home to Indiana, Jasmine has been a great dog--crazy and active and interested in everything!  She went to puppy classes and did some basic training.  She won first place in the sitting contest...although she only sits for treats!  She's really inquisitive and plays well with other dogs especially Gussy her brother (a short stocky Lab mix who is 7 years older than her). She also enjoys company and loves to run in the snow.  I think this is the first time she's ever seen snow and she just has fun running and being crazy.... crazy is her favorite way to be actually.  Some of her antics include chewing up a pillow to get to the fuzzy stuff inside, bringing me a calculator when I needed it...even though she really didn't know what it was and wasn't supposed to touch it, and freeing herself from the backyard to run and find some new neighbors to play with.  She is always finding something to get into and running laps around the back yard.  I love her dearly and she has become a perfect part of the family.  Now Jasmine, Gussy, and I are just waiting for Michael to come home and go for a walk!  We thank Operation Bahgdad Pups for all they have done to get her home as well as our local vet and the Indiana State Vets Office for making her trip and acclimation here in the United States as smooth as possible!

Original Post Earlier Today: From Mike

Jasmine as a pup

Jasmine's photo was sent in by Mike who is serving in Aghanistan. Jasmine is one of the pups from Operation Baghdad Pups!

Jas has been one of the biggest highlights in my life. She's full of life and is so curious and loves her new brother Gus, and the next door neighbor dog Rocco. We also got to take her on a family vacation to Hocking Hills. She's so cute on a drive she like to stick her nose out the window when it's not too windy. She has been so happy and it's a far cry from what she was use to in Iraq. Michelle has been the key to getting her home and Jas has kept us all on our toes. I wouldn't give her up for the world.

Note: The photo of Jasimine is when she was a puppy. Stay tuned for a recent photo of her soon.

Thanks Mike for serving your country and for sharing Jasmine with us.


  1. That's our Jasmine! She's so much happier now and loves to snuggle on the couch! She's got a lot of love and luxury here in the US that she never got in Iraq!

  2. Have you plugged her in yet? (Last photo I saw, Jasmine was wearing Christmas lights.)

  3. Welcome Jasmine!
    Thank you Mike, for your service!

    Your Pal,

  4. I am so happy Jasmine is safe and sound with a nice home! What an inspirational story. Thanks Mike for your service and for helping Jasmine have a great life.

    Your pal, Pip

  5. Wonderful story, thanks to the service of both Jasmine and Mike, God Bless your many days together. xxxx Angel
